Croup is one of those diseases in the throat region and usually happens in those who often say much, say loudly or suffer an infected throat by cold. This disease leads to injury to the larynx, and influences to communicate and work every day, so what do we do to treat the croup or what are home remedies for croup?
When getting a croup, tunica mucosa laryngitis is edematous, swelled, and hyperemic, which makes the vocal cords vibrate irregularly. Common symptoms of the croup include throat pain, coughing, fatigue, hoarse-voice, even voice loss.
If this inflammatory disease of the larynx is not treated promptly and properly, it may lead to serious complications for patients such as hoarse-voice, voice loss, or chronic croup. Besides, when this condition happens in a long time, the patient will suffer from a vocal cords fibrosis that is the risk of permanently voice losing. Even some cases have a risk of laryngeal cancer because inflammatory cells turn malignant.
Here are simple, safe and extremely effective home remedies for croup which you can refer to:
1. Lemon and honey
Fresh lemon and honey is a folk medicine used to treat coughs, sore throats, tonsillitis efficiently, even when getting a croup, you can also apply this drug to cure. Especially, when your family has young children, you should prepare a pitcher of lemon with rosy pulp and honey. In addition to the
use of the treatment of the respiratory diseases, the lemon with rosy pulp and honey are also very beneficial for health.
When detecting signs of laryngitis, simply you hold some slices of a variegated pink lemon or drink a little water of variegated pink lemon soaked with honey.
In case, the variegated pink lemon is not available at your house; you can use fresh lemon as following steps: Cut a fresh lime into thin slices, bring them to soak with honey. After about 2 hours, take it to hold in your mouth and then swallow the lemon water slowly. It is better to drink the juice of this fresh lemon and honey. The combination of lemon and honey will make laryngitis symptoms quickly reduced.
2. Ginger
Fresh ginger is one of the pretty common spices, most available in the kitchen of every household. Ginger is not only a spice but also one of the amazing home remedies for croup.
When getting a croup, tunica mucosa laryngitis often suffers a swelling and edema causing more discomfort and pain for the patient. At this time, using water of the fresh ginger may relieve pain due to inflammation.
How to use: take fresh ginger to remove its peel, wash, and cut it into thin fibers. Put the ginger fibers in a pot of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Wait for the cool water to drink in a day. You should drink this mixture 3-5 times to achieve the highest efficiency.
3. Garlic
In addition to spice, garlic is also known as an active natural antibiotic helping to clean the throat, to protect the health, and to strengthen the body resistance. In home remedies for croup, garlic is one of the most simple and effective treatments. When
having an itchy condition in the throat, it is best to hold some cloves of garlic to relieve the itching, sore throat. Another simple way is to chew a few cloves of garlic and swallow their water regularly.
In case, you are not familiar with the smell of garlic, and you can cut them into the small and thin slices, then give them in a glass vase and add a little apple cider vinegar and distilled water, cover closed. After about 4 hours, you mix a bit pure honey and that mixture and drink it. You should drink 1 tablespoon each time,3-4 times per day, and your throat pain will quickly disappear.
4. Iris domestica
Iris domestica has been using widely in the treatment of respiratory tract inflammation, among which is a chronic croup.
The way to use the iris domestica as follows: take 10 to 20 g of the roots and stems of an iris domestica, clean, then add a little salt and crush. Next, dilute them with little boiling water, and use this juice to drink and swallow slowly. Besides, you can also combine the iris domestica with other herbs such as dandelion, sarcandra glabra, and Lobelia Chinensis Lour, cook with water with a right proportion. Here is a useful remedy to cure voice loss.
5. Sour starfruit
Using the sour star-fruit to cure laryngitis is a familiar method to everyone. The star-fruit contains more vitamin C helping to boost resistance against bacteria that cause disease, laryngitis.
According to Oriental medicine, the star-fruit is sour and good for inflammation reduction, diuretic, cough and sore throat treatments. Moreover, other parts of star-fruit tree help to cure diseases effectively such as leaves, roots, and flowers. How to use a star-fruit to cure croup at home as follows:
Method 1: Get about 80-100 g of fresh star-fruit leaves to crush with a little salt, then squeeze it to get juice, drink this juice or swallow slowly. Apply this method 2-3 times a day, the symptoms of croup will be reduced significantly.
Method 2: Use 500 g of sour star-fruit, wash, finely squeeze them to get juice. Then mix this juice with salt to hold in the mouth, and then swallow it gradually. Or you can also eat 1 or 2 sour star-fruits with salt. The organic acid in star-fruit has the effect of reducing the throat inflammation efficiently.
6. Green bean sprouts
In traditional medicine, green bean sprout is useful in the detoxifying, cooling, diuretic.
According to several scientific studies have also shown that green beans contain many calcium, protide, vitamin B1, phosphorous, iron, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6. Therefore, the green bean sprout is a kind of green vegetables good for your health, especially the ability to extend the life.
To cure a chronic inflammation of vocal cords, you can use 1 handful of the green bean sprouts, rinse, then grind. Mix this crushed sprouts with 200 ml of boiling water, use a spoon to stir them. Then, use about 10 to 20 ml of this mixture to hold in your mouth and then swallow. Also, you can eat fresh green bean sprouts, then swallows their water, and they will give an excellent performance.
Above are top 6 home remedies for croup. I wish you success with one of these effective cures.
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