Top 5 Beauty Tips to Erase Skin Tags

You are ashamed of skin tags which suddenly appeared in your face and in other parts of your body. Those skin tags not only reduce your self-confidence but also bring discomfort due to their snags on clothes when dressing up. Typically, people always try to hide them, or come to an expensive aesthetic surgery. Why don’t you just read through our article first to see that there are also some budget-saving beauty tips as your perfect appearance helper.

What causes skin tags?

There are 2 major reasons for the development of skin tags that help us classify it at the early stage including: direct and indirect causes. 

The direct factor is the collagen disruption in the body. Collagen under the epidermis helps create functional morphology of the human skin. However, the excessive development of collagen will lead to the imbalance of the sweat glands and the formation of subcutaneous nodules or acrochordons. Those nodules typically forms in sensitive and weak atopic skin areas.

Besides the natural hormonal and atopic factors, skin tags can occur due to various objective reasons, such as mode of living, extreme computer use, stimulant abuse.

Where do skin tags occur?

Those small benign tumor often occurs in almost areas of the body. Most common locations of skin tags include:

     Buttock folds.
     Groin folds.
     Base of the necks.
     Upper chest.
     Under breasts.

Who are more prone to skin tags?

People of all genders are likely to be affected by an acrochordon, they can develop one or more skin tags in all their lifetimes. Specifically, skin tags are common in:

     Overweight and obese individuals.
     Pregnant women.
     People with the human papilloma virus.
     People who lose the balance of sex steroid.

Home remedies for skin tags removal

It is believed that acrochordons are harmless to individuals’ health and they even don’t cause any pain. However, if the tags become irritated, a treatment to erase those benign tumors is necessary. Here is 7 beauty tips that can be supportive to strike a bow for your beauty.

1. Tea tree oil

Melaleuca oil deriving from Southeast Queensland and Australia is an antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral ingredient. For that reason, it is an effective treatment of various skin diseases. Scientists have shown that tea tree oil has a magical effect on drying rapidly skin tags. What you have to do is apply a few drops of oil on a cotton ball, gently massage the tags clockwise. Do it 2 times per day.
This method is painless, but you may need to apply at least 2 weeks to erase acrochordons completely.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been used to cure toothache to poisoning, dandruff and allergies. Containing high level of antiseptics makes the natural remedy a perfect choice to eliminate harmful bacteria and speed up the skin tags removal process.

Make sure that the skin tags are extremely clean before applying the treatment. Dab a little apple cider vinegar on the skin tags with your finger or with a cotton wool. Apple cider vinegar may cause a slight tingling sensation. Wait for some minutes until the vinegar is dried out.

3. Marjoram oil

If you are an impatient person, don’t expect any miracle from this beauty tips. The reason is that you may need 2 to 4 weeks to get rid of acrochordons with the treatment.

To gain best results, mix marjoram oil and coconut oil at the ratio of 1: 2. Apply it on the areas with skin tags 3 times per day. Through the treatment process, skin tags will gradually turn black and then disappear completely.

Note: This remedy is not suitable for sensitive areas such as around the eyelids.

4. Castor oil

Castor oil is of great help for any women’s beauty. It does not make eyebrows grow faster but also treat some skin-problems well. One of the most supportive kitchen ingredient is castor oil. Make a paste by mixing castor oil with baking soda. You should apply the powder 2 times per day with at least 10 minutes for each. Then, wash the paste with water. 2 to 4 weeks is the required time of skin tags removal tip.

5. Lemon juice

A recent research have shown that lemon juice contains acid citric which is particularly helpful to bacterial growth prevention and benign tumor decomposition in the affected region. To remove skin tags, you just have to apply a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the affected areas. Repeat three times a day until the acrochordons disappear. This is a simple but effective way to erase skin tags.

Coming to an aesthetic surgery is not totally recommended due to a risk of bleeding and possible infection. However, you had a perfect list of natural remedies mentioned. Take a look at the above recommendations and choose the most suitable tips for you. It’s time to eliminate skin tags instead of hiding them.  
